
{A Look Back On} Alayna's 1st Birthday

{Woodland Themed Birthday}
August has come and gone, and it was full of some precious memories that I'm so glad to have shared with all of our loved ones. Our little girl turned one, and though the party went amazing and without a hitch, I must admit the most cherished moments for me were on the actual day of her birthday. As a little family, we took the big girl out to have pancakes (chocolate ones at that) and Josh also convinced the waiters to sing to her because she is a little music lover. We've experienced many firsts over this past year or so and find that being a parent is a never ending learning experience!


Beach Trip

This past week, the three of us (Josh, Alayna, and myself) drove down to Virginia Beach for a little overnight getaway. Alayna hasn't been to the beach yet, so this was her first experience with it and it went great! She was very laid back for the most part, until I put her in the sand to walk-she was not having it. All her troubles were forgotten once we took her out in the (shallow) waves and the water was at her fingertips. She squealed with excitement and splashed, even when an unexpected wave smacked her in the face she laughed at it. I'm so glad she's a water lover!